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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Winterton Wanderer

Having just set foot in the door home from work, i looked out of my lounge window to be greeted by the sight of quite a few tinted windows at the bus stop opposite, to my surprise you guessed it 33423 was away from its usual X1 haunt and working the 1 to Martham, as the sun was shining i hastily decided to get in the car with the camera a begin the task of photographing the rare appearance.
Turning into Bulmer Lane opposite Winterton Church

Working out the best place for a photo was the next task, one of my old haunts, Hemsby Kingsway was now in shade so i headed for Winterton and the best spot to grab either side was the junction of Winterton Road and Bulmer Lane where i was indeed sucessful and also had a very nice driver who slowed down to let me get some nice shots!
Leaving Bulmer Lane and heading for Martham

 So job done it was back home for tea and a blog exclusive from Winterton On Sea!


1 comment:

  1. Well worth the "pursuit" I mean you can never have too many photo's of the "Princess" Luckily no-one has mentioned the R word lately
