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Friday 19 June 2015

More On Caroline Coaches MXX87

Following yesterday's Throw Back Thursday feature on former Caroline Coaches RTL MXX87, contributor Syd Eade was quickly in contact regarding its workings etc

He tells me that MXX87 used to live in the open at the small garage at Halvergate, and he took this photo in July 1970 at those premises. He continues 'It was used on a local schools run and on summer Saturdays would work the stage service into Great Yarmouth and back for shoppers from there via Freethorpe....but I never went on it as you would get left in the middle of nowhere! The destination never changed, I think it was just a piece of paper stuck behind the glass.'

The photo was taken at the former Lake of Halvergate premises, the company being acquired by Caroline in 1955. For some time it was where most of the company's maintenance was carried out.

Incidentally, MXX87's companion in the photo is a 41 seater Plaxton bodied SB1, new to Beeline of West Hartlepool in March 1959. Note the telephone numbers!

Many thanks to Syd for the information and photo with the latter retaining his copyright


1 comment:

  1. Some of the 730 passengers remember Lakes / Caroline. The service ran from Freethorpe though Halvergate along branch road on to Acle new road and terminated at the White Horse Next to Northgate Street. last bus back Fridays and Saturdays was 2300 ish and very popular.
