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Sunday 5 July 2015

85's First Official Outing ~ Updated

As exclusively reported in Wednesday's post, former Great Yarmouth AEC Swift WEX685M made its first official appearance today in its home town

Driver and co-owner Chris Speed at the helm of 85
It was one of the star attractions at the East Coast Pirates Car Club's Independence Day Mega Meet at the town's seafront close to the Britannia Pier.

WEX685M had pride of place on the forecourt of the Pier's entrance and Jamie Skinner was on hand with his camera to take this photo early on in the proceeding

Jamie also gave me access to more than 40 photos he had taken on the day including a special run. He has also prepared a report HERE on the Coastal Radio website on the
appearance of 85 at the event which also focusses on the Swift's history. It appears

I was also intending to visit the event but limited time put a stop to that and I arrived just after 4pm when everything was over! Still there's always next time

Apparently there was a small gathering on board when driver and co-owner Chis Speed decided to give them all a treat with a short run on 85.

I would just like to place on record my thanks to Jamie for the report and photos of the event

WEX685M seen at the deserted Pleasure Beach - clearly the weather had taken its toll

With the sun now out the Swift is seen back at the Britannia Pier

1 comment:

  1. Yes it was a tad damp to say the least but apart from the odd drip inside her 85 was nice and dry and full of enthusiasts! To which Sir Speed treated to a tour later on and I for one was well chuffed as I can remember a few trips on her and the others as a spotty youth lol All in all a good day but I did feel sorry for the car guys
