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Monday 10 August 2015

Hanson Express to Great Yarmouth

Regular contributor Tim Major has been in touch again and reports on a recent donation to the East Anglia Transport Museum

It's a poster which he assumes to be from the 1950's from the style of the advert plus the 'bargain' price of the return journey to/from Great Yarmouth for only 45 shillings (£2.25p in today's money)

Hanson Express Coaches operated from the Huddersfield area and the name was once synonymous with holidays for Huddersfield people.

The company was an off-shoot from the well-established Hanson haulage company which took thousands of holidaymakers all over the UK and also to the south of France.

The fleet started with sharabangs in the 1920s, 30s and 40s and grew during the 50s and 60s Hanson also ran single decker and double decker buses in Huddersfield under the Huddersfield Joint Omnibus Committee until 1969 when they became part of Huddersfield Corporation Transport Department.

In 1974 the coach company became part of West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive which was subsequently sold to coach firm Abbeyways in 1979.

Thanks for the photo of the poster Tim


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