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Thursday 27 August 2015


Our #TBT Throw Back Thursday spot this week looks at the last Bristol VR to be built at Lowestoft's Eastern Coach Works for the then National Bus Company

Many of you may know it was delivered to Eastern Counties as VR294 in the fleet with along with its registration VEX294X. It was previously ordered by Alder Valley but went to Eastern Counties instead; arriving at Lowestoft depot in October 1981

It continued in use with First Eastern Counties until early 2003 when, upon withdrawal, it taken by Ben Jordan dealer of Coltishall for scrapping. Later that year Viv Carter of Capel St Mary acquired the decker for preservation and, after a much work, it emerged in 2013 in excellent condition. Richard Walker's picture on Flickr shows the overall high standard achieved

My photo was taken in July 1982 at Great Yarmouth's Wellington Road Bus Station and shows VR294 awaiting departure off the stand for Lowestoft on the 601 service

The vehicle's history was obtained from Rob Sly's illustrated history webpage which also contains photos of VEX294X during its various stages of existence


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