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Wednesday 21 October 2015

Departures from Caister Road

Yesterday saw Caister Road say goodbye to two of its long term withdrawn residents as they were collected by Alpha Recovery and headed up to the North East for scrapping.

Olympian 34186 S686AAE & Scania 65588 V588DVF were removed from the back yard and loaded up.
34186 Hooked up ready to head North
34186 arrived at Caister Road from First Bristol in December 2008 along with sister 34187, both were used on a variety of routes but latterly 34186 was restricted to Contract work before failing with Gearbox problems earlier this year.
65588 being pulled onto the lowloader

65588 had a very brief career at Yarmouth after arriving from Norwich in late February this year. Originally new to Ipswich where it had spent most of its working life she transferred to Norwich before surprisingly appearing at Caister Road and only worked a matter of days before failing and then spent the next 7 months tucked away in the corner out of use.

Other news to report includes another day of public service for RM 39480 yesterday on the 6/7 services in the town, Coach 20501 has now had its MOT and moved up to Norwich to assist with Bernard Matthews contract duties.

Thanks as always to staff at Caister Road.                   Grahame.

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