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Sunday 1 November 2015

Arrivals begin at First today

Further to our earlier post regarding upcoming movements within First Eastern Counties it seems all our regular contibutors have been in the right place at the right time to record the arrivals of five vehicles today.
First Berkshire 33180 LR02LYZ in Castle Meadow  (Sam Larke)
Three Plaxton bodied Tridents from First Berkshire arrived this afternoon at Norwich for a period on loan in Norfolk. 33153 LR02LXM, 33180 LR02LYZ & 33183 LR02LZC were collected from Chertsey this morning and delivered to Roundtree Way.
Former Plymouth based Volvo B7L 60916 YG02DKU at Ipswich Depot  (Jim Long)
Two Volvo B7L's from Plymouth were also collected today for Norwich, they were also at Chertsey after being driven up from Cornwall. 60915 YG02DLZ & 60916 YG02DKU will be MOT'd in the Ipswich area before making their way to Norfolk.
Streetlite 63318 SK65PWY at Roundtree Way (Sam Larke)
Finally we can confirm that three new Streetlite Max have been delivered so far, Green Line liveried 63318/63323 and Standard liveried 63324 are all now at Roundtree Way.

Many thanks to Sam Larke and Jim Long for the Photos, also Joe Thorpe at Ipswich plus the powers of social media for putting all this info together so quickly.


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