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Sunday 1 November 2015

Exclusive Latest First Updates

Big thanks go to Chris Speed for allowing us to reveal all the forthcoming vehicle movements planned for the next month or so. As ever the list is subject to change.

Vehicles In.

11 New Wright Streetlite Max for Norwich

63317 SK65PWX
63318 SK65PWY
63319 SK65PWZ
63320 SK65PXA
63321 SK65PXB
63322 SK65PXC
63323 SK65PXD
63324 SK65PXE
63325 SK65PXF
63326 SK65PXG
63327 SK65PXH

33180 LR02LYZ  From First Berkshire  - On Loan at Norwich
33183 LR02LZC  From First Berkshire  - On Loan at Norwich   (Confirmed at Norwich)
33153 LR02LXM  From First Berkshire  - On Loan at Norwich  (Confirmed at Norwich)
60915 YG02DLZ From First South West  - Norwich                  
60916 YG02DKU From First South West  - Norwich

The five above are being collected today, 60915/6 will go for MOT prior to arrival at Norwich.

42908 WX05RVR From First Bath - Lowestoft
42911 WX05RVV From First Bath - Lowestoft
42914 WX05RVZ From First Bath - Lowestoft
42926 SN05EAE  From First Bath - Lowestoft
42938 WX05SVD From First Bath - Lowestoft

Vehicles Out

All remaining Caetano bodied Darts will be cascaded to First South West from Lowestoft plus the two also in use at Norwich and the bigger version 42358.

Volvo B7L's
66324/66325/66330/66335/66342/66345/66346 - Norwich to First Bristol

Depot Transfers

32200  Norwich to Yarmouth
32202  Norwich to Yarmouth
45116  Norwich to Lowestoft
45117  Norwich to Lowestoft
45118  Norwich to Lowestoft

Should keep everyone busy with the cameras over the coming weeks!     Grahame.

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