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Friday 27 November 2015

New Arrival and Departures for First

The first of a batch of Low floor Darts for Lowestoft arrived late last night from First Kernow, 42943 WA56OAS is currently at Yarmouth for inspection prior to moving down to its new home on the Suffolk Coast. The batch of Caetano bodied Darts at Lowestoft are being transferred down to Cornwall to join others of the type recently added to the fleet from the Potteries.

42358 & 43865 were moved to Roundtree Way in Norwich yesterday evening prior to their journey down to the South West.

Gemini 37275 from First Berkshire is also being collected today from Slough and will go straight to Full Circle at Banham for repaint into Excel livery.

Two Geminis from Yarmouth are due to transfer to Lowestoft due to changes to the X2/X22 services, possibly 37573/37574 but yet to be confirmed.

Alexander bodied 30900 is having a new engine fitted at Volvo and once complete it will become a Yarmouth vehicle after a lengthy period on loan here.


  1. yes i saw four of the darts along the A47 this morning

  2. Hi Roy 42943 was in service in Lowestoft yesterday afternoon.

  3. Will be surprised if 37573 is one of the geminis to be moved as it is in Excel livery.

  4. 37573 was a typo on my behalf! Should have been 37574/5 but has now changed since the post!

  5. 37573 was a typo on my behalf! Should have been 37574/5 but has now changed since the post!
