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Tuesday 1 December 2015

First Yarmouth & Lowestoft Update

The following moves are planned for the coming weekend between Yarmouth and Lowestoft Depots,

30900 Lowestoft - Yarmouth  (Currently away having New Engine)
30901 Lowestoft - Yarmouth

37275 (LK58EDJ) Slough - Yarmouth  (Currently at Full Circle for Repaint into Excel livery)
37575 Yarmouth - Lowestoft
37576 Yarmouth - Lowestoft
37577 Yarmouth - Lowestoft

43466 Lowestoft - Withdrawn
30900 pictured in July whilst on loan
Once 37275 returns after repaint, 32202 will return to Norwich. Once the Christmas Bernard Matthews contract work is completed Olympian 34111 will be withdrawn as will Volvo's 66168 & 66169 which recently arrived back from Essex.

5 more Plaxton bodied Darts are expected for Lowestoft from the South West to join recent arrival 42943 WA56OAS which is now in service in the town, Caetano Darts 42358/43861/43865 have made the trip down to Cornwall.

Thanks to Danny Beales for the info.                                                                                  Grahame.


  1. Think the last Olympian will be withdrawn sooner as was on back of tow lorry last night at worlingham

  2. Just seen 30900 on Bernie's contract

  3. Do we know what the 5 Darts are that are coming up from the South West division?

    1. Already reported on Grahame's post dated 1st November 2015
