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Thursday 3 December 2015


Our Throw Back Thursday this week features a former Konectbus double decker which has also recently found another use

Olympian J853TSC in company with Optare Excel R836FNG at Konect's Rashes Green depot in September 2010
The decker is an Alexander RH bodied Leyland Olympian new to Lothian Regional Transport in October 1991. J853TSC was subsequently acquired by Konect and gained fleet number 100 whilst with the Dereham based company

It was primarily employed on school runs when with the Norfolk operator and left them in December 2011. Both J853TSC and sister J855TSC subsequently ended up with Black and White Motorways and retained the livery of their former owner. There is a photo on Flickr of J853 on school bus duties in Winchester last year

Regular contributor Jamie Skinner has alerted me to the fact that it has recently found a new use in Staffordshire as a solar powered retro-gaming bus project for an organisation called FizzBus. The project is in its infancy with work just starting on removing its seating. See their Facebook page for more photos and information

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know the bus is now owned by gfc hardware in Nantwich Cheshire.
    The owner ted is debating what its next transformation is going to be !! Will post photos when completed
