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Sunday 21 February 2016

Along the Coast

Saturday was set aside to visit Sheringham and Cromer in order to photograph some of Sanders latest arrivals. At least that was the plan! Having spent the day dodging the showers and looking for the elusive arrivals it was the town of North Walsham that managed to grab most of my attention with a couple of vehicles new to myself. The day also came to a rather ironic end which shall be revealed in due course!
Parked outside the Mattressman warehouse proudly advertising its current owner on the outskirts of the town is Volvo Olympian K102JWJ, it was new to Stagecoach Midlands and latterly with Stagecoach Lincolnshire as 16472, it was first time i had seen it here as i passed en route to Sheringham.
Next up noticed that a couple of coaches were parked up in the yard formerly used by Bluebird Travel on the town's industrial estate, on further inspection the yard is now used by Maretts Chariots and home to both their recent arrivals MB Tourismos BU64MYR & BG65VXU, i met a member of staff who was cleaning the newest arrival and was kindly shown round the very impressive vehicles. They differ slightly with the 64 plate version having 51 seats and an on board toilet with the newer one being a 53 seater. Many thanks for the  tour and chat.
Next it was onto a damp Sheringham to see what i could capture working the local routes. First spot was what i believe is the last remaining Wright bodied Cadet in the fleet HE51BUS, i noted a couple of others being stripped at the North Walsham depot. I had hoped to see the latest Gemini arrival and the two ex Fishwicks single deckers but to no avail! I headed back home via Cromer to look in at Cadagon Road where i was greeted by a meeting of Optare Solos, two from Stagecoach Norfolk and one belonging to Sanders.
Solo line up in Cromer.
So my day was done with some success but not what i had set out for or so i thought! Here comes the ironic twist, as i parked up back home in Ormesby, Sanders 6 service to North Walsham passes through the village and stops outside my house on Cromer Road and guess what pulled up at the stop!
You guessed it!  After a 60 mile round trip it stops on your doorstep!                                 Ex Fishwicks YH63CXE en route to North Walsham.  I shall say no more!


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