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Tuesday 9 February 2016

New EATM Website

The East Anglia Transport Museum has recently launched its new website which can be found at a new  internet address -

The EATM's 2012 London Event
The Museum will again be holding some special events this year including

  • 26th and 27th March - Start of Season Easter Gala
  • 14th and 15th May - Mid May 40's Weekend
  • 19th June - Dad's Day Out
  • 9th and 10th July - London Event
  • 24th and 25th September - Trolleybus Weekend
  • 29th October Halloween

Further information about the events, including park and ride services, can be found on the new website

Incidentally, rumours that a former Bournemouth trolleybus is going to Carlton Colville, following reports of a sighting on the A11 at Barton Mills, are untrue. Weymann bodied KLJ 346, which was latterly located at Winkleigh in Devon, has been acquired by a local individual who was moving it to a site in Norwich. No request has been received by the EATM to move it there

My thanks to Tim Major for alerting me to the new site and also the information regarding the ex Bournemouth trolleybus


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