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Thursday 25 February 2016

The Future's Orange (Or Is It?)

Just spent a couple of days in the Bristol area and yesterday meant a visit to the city centre and another bus photo opportunity. Plus there was the possibility of determining whether First Bristol yellow route did in fact have a yellow or an orange front as recently discussed on social media

It took a little while to see one of them as there was an abundance of streetlites passing but eventually one of them did turn up in the form of SN65ZCV. I thought it looked more like yellow than orange with an orange route version arriving soon after to allow the comparison to be made

Wright Streetdecks appear to be regulars on route 90 between the city centre and Hengrove and the photo shows 35141 SN65OMJ on that service

Finally, I was also fortunate to see First learner driver X693ADK, a Wright Renown bodied Volvo B10LE


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