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Wednesday 9 March 2016

Wet & Windy Wednesday

JJD480D on the 7 to Belton in October last year
Apologies for the lack of posts during the last few days. My local activity has been curtailed by a family weekend in the capital and a burst water main on one of the main roads out of Great Yarmouth town centre. This has caused enormous disruption to all road users in the town, especially during peak times. We should, therefore, appreciate the efforts of all the local bus companies, especially the drivers, in providing some semblance of a service during this period

Local First activity is going through a quiet period at the moment following the final withdrawal of the Olympians and  the movement away of the two Routemasters from Caister Road. However, all is not gloom and doom as there is an interesting development planned by First for the summer season - more about that later!

Meanwhile, over at Anglian the surprising loan of Konectbus' Wright Eclipse Gemini 513 LB02YXE has been offset by the removal from service of former
Konectbus loanee LB02YXE seen in Beccles on Monday on Anglian duties - Photo: Tim Miller

Metrobus Scania OmniCity 460 YN05HFF. This leaves only one vehicle of the type active in the form of 462 YN03WRJ which is expected to become a training vehicle


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