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Sunday 12 June 2016

Latest from Caister Road

Latest news from Caister Road sees recent arrival from Essex 30887 moving to Lowestoft this evening on a permanent basis after a very brief spell back in Great Yarmouth.
30887 W742DWX awaiting transfer to Lowestoft this afternoon.

Norwich based Volvo B9's 36172 & 36180 will move to Caister Road for the summer period, 36180 was at the depot on my visit this afternoon with 36172 which has been on loan at Lowestoft coming in return for 30887 later this evening. Ex First South Yorkshire Trident 32955 (X611HLT) is now in service also here.
32955 X611HLT now in use, seen here in Caister yesterday (Photo Cameron Robinson)
Volvo B7 32348 Suffered a blown Turbo whilst on X1 duties this afternoon at Norwich Bus Station, she was recovered back to Caister Road.

Thanks to Danny Beales for the info and Cameron for the photo of 32955.


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