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Thursday 23 June 2016

What a Week!

Oh my goodness what a week has gone by; new operator(s) for the Great Yarmouth - Beccles- Bungay service, an open topper for the Great Yarmouth seafront route (yep,the cat is out of the bag!), streetdecks operating in the town plus new transfers in. (That's without mentioning the Brexit vote). And I've missed it all!

Our haulage for the trip - a Canadian MCI triaxle
Things here in the USA have been quite hectic too. We arrived in San Fran yesterday to the news that it's gay pride weekend and that Obama is in the city today. So the next couple of days will be a bit messy transport wise and we have to be at the airport at Saturday lunchtime. We also witnessed an 81 year old gentleman have a heart attack on our tour bus  - not very pleasant for him or us. Fortunately he has survived after transfer to hospital

So, all in all, a week very much to remember and I will be doing a report on our San Fran visit on my return to the UK



  1. Glad you're enjoying your west coast wanderings Roy. Re your tour bus (yep, bus in the US), who's the owner? It looks like a D4000CL model to me but you can check that on the manufacturer's plate (usually just inside the entrance). BTW Most (if not all) MCI (Motor Coach Industries) and Prevost vehicles are tri-axle. Enjoy San Fran. Be sure to check out the cable cars AND the trolleybuses (and avoid those dreadful ubiquitous replica diesel "trolleys" - Ugh!)

  2. Thanks Mick
    Our tour bus was of the J4500 variety which was operated by Divine Transportation of Phoenix, Arizona - hope that helps
