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Wednesday 13 July 2016

Clapton Pond & Corton Road!

For those that were possibly unaware, two of the former Lowestoft buses at this year's EATM London Event were especially fitted with a blind showing a London destination - Clapton Pond in Hackney.

The destination blinds were made by Daniel Peart to ensure the Lowestoft buses fitted into the London themed weekend. They even carried 'On Hire to London Transport' signs in the front window. Even the Stevensons ex London RTW joined in by displaying Clapton Pond too.

Tradition was not abandoned though and a tour was run by PBJ2F on the Sunday to the old 2 Corton Road terminus in Gunton Drive. This was abandoned when loop working via Gunton Cliffs was introduced for one man buses some 45 years ago.

The above photos were supplied by Syd Eade who began looking through his archives for a photo he had taken of the original Corton Road terminus. However, the nearest he could find was this one showing AEC Regent III LBJ744 across the road. The stop is located behind by the telephone box!!!

My thanks to Syd for the use of the photos


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