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Friday 22 July 2016

Latest Arrivals for First

No less than six new arrivals to report for First Eastern Counties today. Starting with five more Volvo B9TL Wright Geminis from First Leeds which were collected from Hunslet Park Depot yesterday. 36186-36190 made the journey to Norfolk with 36186/187 & 188 arriving at Yarmouth and 36189/190 going to Norwich.
36186 & 36187 Pictured at Caister Road last night. Photo First.
Full details of the arrivals as follows,

36186 BN12JYJ
36187 BN12JYK
36188 BN12JYL
36189 BN12JYO
36190 BN12JYP
36186 at Caister Road this morning.  Photo Robert Collins.
The final arrival to report is the long awaited Open Topper for Great Yarmouth in the shape of 32905 W905VLN,  A Volvo Plaxton President new to First London and latterly with First Essex, it has been painted into a special livery for the Seasider service 3, it is currently at Roundtree Way in Norwich having Vinyls added and its final checks before moving down to Caister Road.
32905 at Roundtree Way, Norwich.  Photo Norwich Bus Page
Thanks to Robert, Zak and First for the photos and info,                   Grahame.

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