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Sunday 31 July 2016

Saturday Sights and First News

A sunny Saturday morning meant a couple of hours with the cameras to catch up with the recent arrivals at Caister Road. First vehicle on the list was Open topper 32905 W905VLN which was out and about after a brief appearance on Friday.
32905 heading along North Drive
32905 turning in the sun at Seashore Camp terminus
Next on my hitlist were more of the latest arrivals from Leeds, the majority were employed on the 8 service so i did clear a few more off the list.
36187 BN12JYK in Caister

Movements to report include another President heading to the South West, 32211 LT52WTU left Caister Road on Thursday. Also i am reliably informed that 32213/32214 & 32955 are due to move to Norwich next week although this is to be confirmed.
32211 back in July 2010 on an evening duty in Martham not long after arriving with FEC


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