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Thursday 4 August 2016

Magdalen Konect

As regular blog readers will know, Anglianbus recently revised their 61 route through Great Yarmouth via Gorleston's Magdalen Estate, terminating at Barrack Estate.

We are just about getting used to seeing gas buses and Anglian deckers running through areas of the town previously alien to them. So imagine Colin White's surprise when he sees a Konectbus passing through Magdalen Estate yesterday!

It was none other than their Volvo B7TL/Gemini 511 (LB02WYW) which recently transferred to the Suffolk based operator. Thought to be on temporary loan to Anglian, he captured 511 on film at the Hertford Way/Magdalen Way junction

Incidentally, the Anglianbus fleet list was updated yesterday which shows the movement of Optare Versas 305 and 306 (YJ60KGU/V) to Konectbus

My thanks to Colin for the photo


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