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Friday 9 September 2016

Bedford in Town

Zeus Wearn emailed me yesterday to tell me he was in Great Yarmouth last Sunday (4th September) for the the Great Yarmouth Wheels Festival. He observed a Bedford coach which was being used as a free bus service running from the seafront, outside the Britannia Pier, to the Market Place and return.

Bedford SB3 WLO685 outside the Britannia Pier complete with its Gt Yarmouth destination
The vehicle was WLO685 a privately owned and restored Duple Super Vega bodied Bedford SB3, new to Curries of Bexleyheath in 1959. Owned by Sidelines of Long Stratton, it is often used by Spratts of Wrenningham on a number of mystery tours and vintage themed excursions

WLO685 in front of the Fishermens' Hospital in the Market Place
 My thanks to Zeus for providing the photos


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