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Saturday 22 October 2016

Saturday Sightings

A trip over to Lowestoft this morning enabled me to grab a few shots whilst wandering around catching the latest Pokemon with my son Finlay, luckily all sightings corresponded to a Bus being nearby also!
WX62HHF pictured in Gordon Road

It was of course the last day of operations for Anglian's fleet of MAN Ecocity Gas Buses before they head off to their new home at Plymouth, i caught WX62HHF waiting its next run through to Yarmouth at the Bus Station.

Yarmouth based Volvo B7TL 32061 W221XBD was also spotted in use at Lowestoft today working the 99 to Southwold, seen above passing the Railway Station.

"Ivana" waiting to deliver its fuel load.

Final spot of the day was not Bus related but a very rare sight indeed for me in my home village of Ormesby St Margaret, seen delivering to the village Petrol station was Eddie Stobart Tanker PE64UTU "Ivana". We all know the popularity of this well known haulage company and it was certainly a surprise to see it this morning.


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