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Monday 24 October 2016

South West Convoy

Further to our earlier report on the move of Anglian's MAN 18.270 gas buses to the south west, they arrived at Reading Services last night for an overnight stop

Arrival at Reading Services during yesterday evening
This morning saw them them leave for Reading Buses depot for refuelling prior to continuing the second day of the journey to Plymouth

Refuelling underway at Reading Buses earlier today
En-route a stop was made at Taunton prior to the completion of their journey to Plymouth where they arrived later this afternoon

Two of the newcomers at Bretonside Bus Station in Plymouth

All twelve have safely arrived at their new home in Plymouth (the missing two are parked behind the camera!)
Driver Jason Beverley has been recording their journey to Plymouth and the pictures are reproduced with his consent. My thanks also to Graham Richardson of Plymothian Transit Bus Blog


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