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Friday 30 December 2016

Service Alterations Registered ~ 28th December 2016

We belatedly take a look at the most recent Notices and Proceedings Report published by the Eastern Traffic Commissioner on Wednesday

The only entries of relevance to our local area are those made by Acle based Our Hire. The operator has made five applications to vary existing services, with two affecting Norwich services and three the East Norfolk area. The latter concerns amendments to the routes, stopping places and timetables of the following services from 13th February 2017:-
*  292 Squires Road, Havergate to Roys Store in Stalham Road, Wroxham
*  293 Kings Head, Acle High Street to Roys Store in Stalham Road, Wroxham
*  294 Ormesby St Margaret to Norwich

The full Notice & Proceedings Report covering the whole of the Eastern Traffic Commissioner's Area can be viewed HERE


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