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Saturday 24 December 2016

Thanks & Seasons Greetings

2016 has again been a busy year for the blog with some significant milestones achieved. This summer saw our one millionth visitor plus achieving our highest ever monthly total of some 34,000 views being clocked up! This activity is no doubt due to the many reports received during this past year and I would like to thank all of you who have contributed

Special mention must be made for the many tireless contributions from my partner in crime Grahame Bessey, who has really helped me out when times have been difficult. Thanks very much Grahame and it's much appreciated. Another special mentions goes Tim Miller who has helped considerably with photos and reports

My thanks also go to Jamie Skinner, Colin Thorne, Colin White, Neil Chilvers, Tim Major, Syd Eade, Joe Leathers Watson, Chris Speed, Des Speed, Sheldon Rees, the late James Long, Rob Collins, SteveW, Kevan Portas, Robert Kelly, Tom Baker, Andy Dyer, Howard Smith, George Holland, David Warren, Steve Hewitt, Ross Newman, Graham Richardson, Jason Beverley, Paul Emery, Richard Woods, Simon Taylor, Ryan Durrant, Nicky Pursey, Zak Nelson, Zeus Wearn, Marcin Zarkowski and Sam Larke for their support too. My apologies to the many I may have left out but their help is appreciated much the same!

Due to current family commitments, the regular yearly reviews have been held over with the 2016 reports appearing shortly after the Christmas break

Finally, eastnorfolkbus would like to wish all of its readers, supporters and contributors a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Hopefully 2017 could be an interesting year too and we will endeavour to continue our high standard of reporting into our seventh year!


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