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Saturday 14 January 2017

New Use For Ex Great Yarmouth President

LT52WTN in Magdalen Square
in Gorleston during March 2016
Many of our blog readers will be aware that a number of former First Great Yarmouth Plaxton President bodied Volvo B7TL's have moved on to First Kernow

First 32207 (LT52WTN) left Caister Road for Norwich in May last year prior to moving to the south west. After a period of use in Cornwall it is now being converted into an open topper

Work began late last year with progress being reported on First Kernow's Facebook site which can be viewed HERE

The above photos, showing the conversion, were uploaded to Facebook in early December and yesterday the company went public on the new colour scheme although no hint of the branding yet!

It looks like a two tone green livery which I must say looks similar to a variation of the Arriva colour scheme!

Richard Warwicker has subsequently been in touch and says 'Reading your first Kernow open top report I noticed near the end you've mentioned there being no hint of branding as yet. They are due to receive very similar branding as the closed toppers for the 56, as seen HERE on Flickr' 

My thanks to fellow blogger Sam Larke for bringing this information to my attention and to Richard Warwicker for supplying information on the branding. It would be nice if any of our readers could supply a photo when the work is completed


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