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Friday 28 April 2017

Ambassador Numbering

It's been around a month now since Robert Collins reported the arrival of four National Express Caetano Levante bodied Volvo B9R coaches at Ambassador Travel's Gapton Hall premises in James Watt Close.

Caetano Levante FJ11MKV in Gorleston High Street complete with Ambassador legals and fleet number 129
On Wednesday I happened to be in the right place at the right time and armed with a camera to get a photo of one of them. It wasn't until I downloaded the photo yesterday that I noted that the newcomers are being allocated fleet numbers. The photo shows FJ11MKV in Gorleston High Street heading for Lowestoft on the 491 from London Victoria

Robert has subsequently informed me that that quartet are adopting their National Express fleet numbers whilst with Ambassador but dropping the SR prefix. Accordingly their fleet numbers are:-
124   FJ11MKF       129   FJ11MKV       132   FJ11MJU       134   FJ11MJX

My thanks to Robert for the information


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