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Wednesday 3 May 2017

An Enviro300 Escapes

This afternoon meant the chore of returning books to Gorleston Library. However, there was a silver lining as Grahame sent me a message saying that one of the recent arrivals from First Border was out in service on the 6 between Bradwell and Market Gates.

No sooner had I left the library, I could see an Enviro300 in the distance on Church Lane heading towards me. I extracted the camera from its case as quick as any Wild West gunslinger would have been proud of!! The resulting photo of 67763 SN62AUK is shown above.

Not content with that, I was hopeful of getting a picture of the newcomer from the nearside showing First Great Yarmouth above the entrance. Again I was in luck as part of the High Street was restricted to single line with road markings being applied at the crossing point.

My thanks to Grahame for the heads up.


1 comment:

  1. One enviro 300 has been working the number 8 today only spotted in the afternoon but missed which one it was
