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Saturday 13 May 2017

Enviros In Action

Loanee Enviro 300's are curently in use around Great Yarmouth with no less than three in use today. All are expected to head to Ipswich for use on the new Park & Ride service. Firstly i managed to photograph 67752 SN62APF working the 8 service in Caister this morning.

67752 heading out of Marram Drive
Next was 67760 SN62AUC which was out on the 1 service and caught up with it at the Royal Oak in Ormesby at Lunchtime. 67763 was also in use but did not get in front of the cameras!

67760 with a new look Will Drake at the wheel!
Finally Cameron Robinson caught sight of former Norwich Enviro 200 44517 YX09ACY working the 99 service in Lowestoft, It has been stood down from use on the Charcoal line in the city to be replaced by the ex Yarmouth Streetlites.

44517 now minus its Norwich Network branding (Cameron Robinson)

Finally a non enviro vehicle but just a note to say Open Topper 32905 W905VLN has been in use on Park & Ride duties over at the Transport Museum at Carlton Colville for its 1940's weekend.

32905 at the East Anglia Transport Museum (Cameron Robinson)
Thanks Again to Cameron for his Photos.     Grahame.

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