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Wednesday 21 June 2017

Jim Long Tribute

Today saw a fitting Tribute take place to Jim Long, a good friend and regular contributor to the blog who passed away suddenly a year ago. Jim was a loyal Eastern Counties Enthusiast and was always around the town of Ipswich armed with his camera to record the latest happenings, we built up a great friendship and shared many photographs and met regularly for a drink and a catch up. Jim's wife Eve and his family decided to donate his photo collection to the Ipswich Transport Museum and today saw a fitting gesture from Eastern Counties, Heritage liveried 32479 (AU53HJV) was today named after Jim at the museum and he will be fondly remembered around the town.

32479 or James Long as its now known.

Jim's Wife Eve and his family 

A fitting tribute to a true gent. I only wish i was notified about this taking place today as both Roy and myself would have liked to have attended, very disappointed that we were not made aware of the event, still thinking of you Jim!

Special Thanks go to Stuart Ray for the photographs from this morning.


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