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Tuesday 10 October 2017

Future Of Ex Swift Vehicles Uncertain

The O-licence of 3D Travel, based in Whitehaven, Cumbria, has been revoked by the Traffic Commissioner for the North West, Simon Evans. The revocation takes effect from October 20, 2017.

Former Swift Taxis coach GLZ3141 in 3D Travel colours.  Photo: Mark Egdell
The partnership running the business, Peter Kermeen and Elaine Fletcher, were each disqualified from holding or obtaining an O-licence for nine months, while Peter Kermeen lost his repute as transport manager and was disqualified from this role for two years.

The Traffic Commissioner highlighted a number of negatives which he said outweighed all of the positive changes the operator had made since it was called to public inquiry

This means that the future of former Great Yarmouth Swift Taxis coaches acquired by the company is now uncertain. We will keep an eye on this operator and let you know of any further developments.


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