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Wednesday 25 October 2017

News Round Up

A couple of items to report with the first being an update to the Anglianbus fleet as amended on the operator's website yesterday. Whilst there are no changes to the existing fleet, it is noticeable that the stored former Headingham and Konectbus vehicles have gone. Also departing since the last update are the last three Go South Coast Citaros.

The Ellough depot just three years ago. Scanias AO57EZM and YN03WRJ plus Optare Solo AU08GLY
undergo maintenance there on 22nd June 2014          
With maintenance now being concentrated at Dereham, and the Ellough site now cut in half, one wanders what future there is for the Beccles site. The new arrangement, plus the registration of both centres for use by both operators, often leads to Anglian vehicles appearing on Konect routes and vice versa.

Simonds VRY841 on rail replacement at Great Yarmouth on Sunday last
Meanwhile, coaches at Lowestoft station on rail replacement duty around lunchtime today included Sanders Coaches' Plaxton bodied Volvos YN05HVD and FN09AMX together with Simonds Plaxton bodied MAN 18.360 VRY841, new as MX10 DDZ. My thanks to Simon Bartram for the information


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