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Sunday 11 March 2018

FEC Trident heads to the South West

The first Trident has been cascaded out of the Norwich Fleet due to the pending arrival of eight Volvo B9TL's from First Leeds. 33236 LT52WWZ has made its way to Cambourne Depot in Cornwall.

33236 pictured in Castle Meadow back in 2015
The full list of arrivals due from Leeds is as follows,

36265 BG12YJX
36266 BG12YJY
36267 BG12YJZ
36268 BG12YKA
36269 BG12YKB
36270 BG12YKC
36271 BG12YKD
36272 BG12YKE

36269/70/71/72 Have all arrived in Norwich and are currently at Roundtree Way Depot being prepared for service.


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