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Friday 23 March 2018

Ipswich Buses Update

Jordan Watson has been in contact and provided a lengthy report on recent happens in the Ipswich Buses fleet. Unfortunately I am unable to repeat the full report here but these I consider to be the main points.

Firstly, Jordan tells me the Scania OmniCity deckers are coming in thick and fast from Hants and Dorset Trim with 17 buses now confirmed to be converted to single door. The influx will mean that the last remaining Tridents due to go include 12 (LG02FDC), 13 (LG02FDF), 16 (LG02FDN), 20 (Y436NHK) and 22 (LR02BBJ). Remaining will be 7 (LX03BTF), 8 (LX04FYB), 25 (SN51 AXP) and 26 (LR52 KWH) - three ‘Carters’ buses and one an Ipswich town server.

Last Friday (16th) saw Mercedes Citaro 153 (BF65 HVT) on its first ever trip on service 6, it ventured off its normal Whitton 9/10 work to do the 6:25 outbound service 6. Although this was a one off there is also a permanent allocation for a Citaro of one morning service 4 and one PM service 13

MCV Evolution 156 (AY60BVD), previously with Carters, has been repainted and smartened up for full time town service work. It is mainly seen on the 13 with the occasional service 12 or 8. It wears the new refined green and purple livery with the white vinyl strip along the sides.

A few strange allocations have been reported by Jordan over the past week including Optare Versa 146 (YK08EPC) appearing on the decker dominant 15 and 15a service - although this was only for a brief morning spell.

Other noted workings comprised Dart Sprytes 93 and 98 both appearing on 6 and 2 after both seemingly being expelled from town to constantly run on the 97 to Shotley. Optare Excel 170 (YG52DGO) made one single trip on the new service 7 to Anglia Retail Park before returning to 9/10 work. What will be Scania 45 (YR61RVE) was seen on Carters service for a week still in London specification and livery. However, this has now been sent off for conversion.

Finally, Jordan provides details of some buses 'that are not playing nicely' which include Optare Solo 244 (YN53ELW) which was seen being towed back to the depot last Friday afternoon and has remained there since. It is now sitting on 'old crocks row' next to DAF 58 (PJ53OLA) which has been SORN and out of service with a mechanical issue. Solo 243 (YN04LWJ) has also been off the road for some time with its future uncertain although its still taxed.

My thanks to Jordan for his extensive report illustrated by his own photos. The blog is always pleased to receive topical reports with supporting photos. Contact details for each software platform can be seen in the left hand column on this page.


1 comment:

  1. A Versa appears on the 15A monday to friday late afternooon.
