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Sunday 22 April 2018

New Norwich Trainer

First Norwich has gained a 'new' driver training vehicle from First Great Yarmouth in the shape of former First Southampton Trident 32809 T809LLC

Dennis Trident 32809 T809LLC arrives at the James Paget Hospital on 17th November 2017 clearly displaying
First Southampton above the driver's window
Tridents T801LLC and T849LLC in the rear yard on 25th March 2018
Grahame reported on its proposed future use on 11th April 2018 (First Yarmouth Update) following the decker's return from storage at Lowestoft depot. 32809 was originally on loan at Great Yarmouth to cover for vehicles required for Bernard Matthews contract work leading up to the busy Christmas period.

The two other Tridents, arriving at the same time, were noted in the rear yard at Caister Road in late March this year. Both 38201 T801LLC and 32849 T849LLC are thought to be available for disposal.

My thanks to First for the information


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