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Tuesday 22 May 2018

Sanders Coasthopper Fleet List

The full list of vehicles aquired for Sanders Coasthopper operations has now been finalised and below are details of the batch.

510 HF54HGE at Sheringham Station (5/5/18)

The batch is numbered 503-514 as follows,

503 HF54HFO
504 HF54HFP
505 HF54HHA
506 HF54HHB
507 HF54HGJ
508 HF54HGN
509 HF54HGX
510 HF54HGE
511 HF54HHM
512 HF54HHE
513 HF54HGA
514 HF54HGC

Many Thanks to Jack Farrow at Sanders for the information.


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