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Wednesday 22 August 2018

EATM 999 Event

Sunday saw a brand new event at the East Anglia Transport Museum. The 999 Emergency Services Day brought together examples from all four local emergency services providing various displays and demonstrations throughout the day.

BorderBus provided the Park and Ride service linking a new venue for the car park at Pakefield with the Museum. Scania OmniCity BB06BUS operated the service.

The event also provided the opportunity to make use of the adjoining land at the museum which was acquired a couple of years ago.

Planning permission has recently granted to use
the land for the construction of exhibition depots, roads and tram tracks with overhead wires and ancillary street furniture plus narrow gauge railway tracks, carriage shed and platform.

The photo shows the view from the site looking eastwards towards the Museum showing London Transport trolleybus 1201 parked outside the existing trolleybus depot.

My thanks to Tim Major for the information and the photos


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