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Monday 10 September 2018

BorderBus Loan & Lamberts Update

'Reg Vardy' was passing the BorderBus premises in Beccles earlier this morning and observed an interloper on site.

Apparently an Ensignbus decker has been loaned to the Suffolk operator in the shape of former Metrobus Scania YN53RYB.

The East Lancs bodied Omnidekka had previously arrived at Ensign's Purfleet premises during May this year.

Whilst at Moor Business Park he also visited the Lamberts Coaches site and it appears that the number  in the fleet has been reduced. I previously posted that  'Reg' had suggested that some vehicles had been acquired by Beestons. I have subsequently been informed that although four were taken away by the Beestons' wrecker they were delivered to an Ipswich scrapyard. Note the presence of the Mercedes-Benz Vario which has taken up the mark of A18LKR and came from an operator in the Penrith area.

My thanks to 'Reg' for the pictures and to my contact at Lamberts Coaches for the updated information.


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