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Sunday 2 September 2018

Konectbus Loans

A Variety of loan buses have been in use with Konectbus this past week with various vehicles appearing on their routes from other Go Ahead companies in the East Anglia region and beyond.

First up is former Anglianbus Scania Omnidekka YN55PZF which now operates for Chambers in Suffolk, still wearing its previous operators livery.

Another Scania Omnidekka here is YN05JYE which currently operates for Hedingham although it wears Chambers livery.

Another Hedingham vehicle in use is Enviro 200 (265) EU10ADX, seen here in Norwich working the 50 service.

Finally three vehicles that have come from the Go Ahead South Bluestar Fleet, similar to the ones used by Anglianbus shortly before its demise. They are 2401 HF55JYX, 2410 HF55JZK and 2436 HX06EZE all Mercedes Benz Citaros.

Many Thankls to Kieran Smith for the info and photos and Sam Stelling for photo also.


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