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Friday 2 November 2018

More First Arrivals Due

The two newcomers are similar to 30959 YJ51RCO which
arrived in Great Yarmouth during May this year

This weekend sees the arrival of three more vehicles at First’s local depots to help with additional vehicle requirements for Bernard Matthews contract work in the lead up to Christmas.

From First's Oldham garage there will be two more ALX400 bodied Volvo B7TLs in the form of 30947 YJ51RRU and 30948 YJ51RRV. They join five similar vehicles in Norfolk which arrived in Great Yarmouth from the Greater Manchester depot during May this year.

Another Wright Solar bodied Scania L94UB is also due from First Essex with 65678 YP02APN expected which is similar to two others loaned to Great Yarmouth late last month.

My thanks to First for the information.


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