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Monday 17 December 2018

Belated First Caister Road Report

Some of you may have noticed I have been conspicuous by my absence! My PC finally gave up the ghost after soldiering on for a couple of weeks. It just didn't want to play on Thursday morning so I took it off to see our friends at CDS KAS at Oulton Broad. Within 48 hours they had saved my data, wiped the disk clean and reinstalled the software ready for collection on Friday afternoon. Great service and advice.

Now on to main part of the post which comprises a delayed report from First Caister Road. On Thursday I was informed that work had been completed on ALX400 30886 W741DWX and was finally back on the road at Lowestoft. It was observed on Friday when it was seen reversing off the stand at the bus station to work the 99 to Southwold.

Two Great Yarmouth vehicles have also returned to use - ALX400 30959 YJ51RCO and Dart 42919 EU05AUL. Meanwhile, Scania L94UB 65673 SN51UYG was undergoing inspection.

My thanks to First for the update


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