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Friday 15 March 2019

First Lowestoft Arrival

Not to be outdone by its near neighbour, First Lowestoft has also received an addition to its allocation in the form of  ALX400 bodied Volvo B7TL 30913 W768DWX

It arrived at the Suffolk depot from Norwich on Sunday and the following day was employed on the 106 Lowestoft town route and also appeared on the 14:40 X22 Lowestoft to Norwich and return. The following day it was on the 99 route and it must have enjoyed the Southwold sea air as Simon Bartram caught it returning to Lowestoft on the 13:15 ex Southwold yesterday.

Simon also reported the unusual working of the 101 service from Lowestoft Bus Station for the Gunton Estate during yesterday lunchtime. It was in the hands of the newest decker in the Lowestoft fleet (X1 deckers excepted of course!) Volvo B9 36215 BJ12VWX.

My thanks to Simon for the reports and photos


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