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Monday 25 March 2019

Godward Coaches At The Double

A different operator for the third day of rail replacement at Great Yarmouth's Railway Station this morning appeared in the form of Basildon-based Peter Godward Coaches.

The first photo is of CC17PGC, an Irizar i6 Integral C49Ft coach, new in July 2017. Also present was their Mercedes Benz Tourismo CC18PGC.

The third coach on duty was PTS Group's Scania/Berkhof R25PTS which doesn't appear to have moved since yesterday - although I am sure it has!


1 comment:

  1. Plenty of action around Reedham Junction old signals coming down and signal and points cables with their posts together with much activity around the new control cabinets so making good use of the closure (Fingers crossed it all works on Monday or will they keep the buses just to be sure)?
