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Saturday 30 March 2019

Rail Replacement Day 8

Whilst I had a lazy day and just couldn't be bothered to get out and see what was happening at Great Yarmouth Station today, Simon Bartram was on the ball again at Oulton Broad North Station with photos of some of the rail replacement workings.

His first sighting was of BMC 220 type YK55AUA, which was originally delivered new to First West Yorkshire in December 2005. It has recently been acquired by Aylmerton based AFSC t/a Marett’s Chariots and carries fleet number 509. The bus is seen passing Oulton Broad North signal box whilst employed on the 08:56 Lowestoft to Norwich service.

Seen travelling in the opposite direction, and thought to be on the 08:55 from Norwich, was M&M Staffing's Neoplan Tourliner tri-axle MM68BUS. It was new to the Essex operator in December 2018 and was also exhibited at the November Bus & Coach Show.

Ambassador Travel's Sunsundegui Sideral bodied Volvo B12M 251 KIG8458 was also being used on rail replacement and departed on the 09:57 Lowestoft service to Norwich.

My thanks to Simon for the photos and information


1 comment:

  1. The BMC Condor 220LF was new to METRO and leased by First, the Mybus scheme they were built for is coming to an an end, and these buses could not be modified to Euro6 for the Leeds ULEZ, and parts supply is nil for them, even when BMC UK were trading, backup was very poor, and a 100% spare requirement was needed to do daily output at CT Plus where I worked
