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Thursday 18 April 2019

Happy Harold Arrives

The latest arrival at the East Anglia Transport Museum's Carlton Colville site is a Hastings trolleybus.

Arriving yesterday, Hastings No 3 is a purpose built open top double deck trolleybus, a type which was unique to Hastings. It is the only survivor of the eight that were built.

Affectionately known as Happy Harold, it was built by Guy Motors in 1928 and is fitted with Dodson bodywork. It was restored in 1953 as No 3A and later fitted with a Commer TS3 diesel engine.

The trolleybus is on loan for the forthcoming 1950's event at the Museum on 11th and 12th May. The event will see the return to service of Hastings 34 after 52 years of inactivity following its withdrawal by Maidstone Corporation.

My thanks to Tim Major for the information and photos


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