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Sunday 9 June 2019

Greetings From Canada

This is the first of (hopefully!) many reports from Canada and today we concentrate on London, Ontario where I am spending a week with my cousin,

The London Transit Commission (LTC) is responsible for the operation of the public transit in the area and has 39 regular bus routes, 3 express routes and 3 community bus routes.

The LTC has almost 200 transit buses in its fleet and they are all low floor accessible. During weekday peak periods there are more than 150 buses on the road which reduces to fewer than 50 on Sunday’s.

The fleet is very much standardised with all buses manufactured by NFI (New Flyer Industries) a North American bus manufacturer headquartered in Winnipeg.

All photos are taken on Sunday 9th June 


  1. New Flyers - built like the proverbial brick ****house. New Flyer is of course, the Canadian company who have just purchased Alexander Dennis. I too thought they all looked the same when we first lived in the US, some thirteen years now, but soon got to know the manufacture and model differences. It was like learning my boyhood hobby all over again. Enjoy yourself Roy!

  2. Roy, you and your readers, may be interested in these two related sites:
