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Sunday 7 July 2019

Eastern Transport Collection Celebrations ~ Day One

As many of you will be aware, the Eastern Transport Collection was celebrating its 50th anniversary this weekend with an event at the East Anglian Transport Museum at Carlton Colville.

The first day (Saturday) provided the opportunity to view, and sample rides on. many attending vehicles including Delaine of Bourne's M1OCT, a Volvo Olympian YN2R with East Lancs H51/35F body delivered new in February 1995.

Also attending was former Eastern National 2849 (NTW 942C) Bristol Lodekka FLF/ECW H38/32F. It is seen here leading ex Southern Vectis Bristol VR NDL652R which was to them in 1976. The latter was operated for 15 years by Nelson Coaches (NIBS) of Wickford.

At the end of the first day of such events, it is customary to have a procession of all the vehicles taking part starting from Gunton Cliffs and so it was on Saturday evening

My thanks to Ashleybus444 for the photos


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