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Monday 8 July 2019

Eastern Transport Collection Celebrations ~ Day Two

The second day of the the Eastern Transport Collection's 50th anniversary started with better weather. I took advantage of the park and ride service with Volvo B7RLE/ Wright Eclipse-Urban MX05MHD in Eastern Counties heritage livery at the helm.

There's no doubt that the star of the show for me was Roger Burdett's restored Bristol GJW open topper VG5541 dating from 1933.

As to be expected, many of the former Eastern Counties vehicles preserved by local organisations were on display or offering rides. Amongst the latter was ex Lowestoft based VR294 VEX294X complete with 601 Lowestoft blind a route it operated on many times.

The Ipswich Transport Museum's lowbridge version of the Bristol K includes the upstairs seats in rows of four with the gangway down one side. KNG374 was new in 1949 as LK374 in the Eastern Counties fleet

Another interesting vehicle on display was former Eastern Counties LL744 MAH744, a Bristol LSX4G/ ECW B42F, new in July 1952. The body shows a US influence especially in the treatment of the windscreen and is also in the care of Ipswich Transport Museum.

Other operators were present in the form of ex Lincolnshire Road Car Company's ECW bodied Bristol SC4LK OFW806 and Bristol Omnibuses HHW452D a Bristol MW/ ECW B45F

The final photo is of ex Harrogate Bus Company's S574TPW. New to Eastern Counties February 1999 it is a Scania L94UB Wright Axcess Floline. The are plans to repaint this in First Blue Bus colours.


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