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Sunday 22 September 2019

Heritage Weekend ~ Kings Lynn

Rather belatedly I bring you some photos of some of the buses operating in Kings Lynn last Sunday as part of the Heritage Weekend.

Former Eastern Counties ECW bodied Bristol VR VPW85S - now owned by the VR190 Preservation Group
The Eastern Transport Collection's OVF229, a  Bristol LD5G with an ECW body new in 1954

David Bell has sent the photos and apologises for not getting them to me earlier. However, I wouldn't have been able to have posted them earlier anyway as I have had a short hospital stay and, yes, I am much better thank you!

Former Bristol Omnibuses HHW452D, another Bristol/ECW product - this time a 45 seat MW

David tells me that the buses operated on a route which doesn't normally see buses i.e. via St Nicholas Church, Tuesday Market Place and Saturday Market Place passing the Town Hall and Trinity Guildhall.

Privately restored Towlers' EJD510 - a Duple bodied Bedford SB new to Essex County in 1951
As David says most of the vehicles will probably be familiar but not the ex-Southdown VR which is privately preserved by a gentleman based in Winchester.

UUF110J, another Bristol/VR is use with Southdown between April 1971 and January 1986
My thanks to David for the excellent photos


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